Rose Seidman shares her experience as a Diller Teen Fellow.
What led you to apply to be a Diller Teen Fellow?
I decided to apply to be a Diller Teen Fellow because after no longer attending a Jewish school, I was looking for opportunities to continue my involvement in the Jewish community. I thought this program was a great way to continue to grow my leadership skills while also surrounding myself with likeminded people.
What has been your favorite part of going to Israel for the program so far? What are you looking forward to?
My favorite part of the program has been being able to form bonds with people whom I share values and culture with, while also learning about the contrasts in our individual lives. We were able to achieve this during Congress when all 16 cohorts from multiple countries came together as one Jewish community.
What components of the fellowship (i.e., locally based workshops) that you have enjoyed the most?
I especially enjoyed the Leadership Shabbaton when we had the opportunity to use each of our strengths in order to create and organize our own Jewish program. We used the teamwork and leadership skills we had been learning to watch our visions come to light.
What do you hope to take away from this experience?
What I have learned in Diller will serve as the foundation for any leadership opportunity I pursue in the future. The teamwork and problem-solving skills I have learned in addition to my Jewish values will be beneficial in any community that I am a part of.
To learn more about Diller Teen Fellows, please visit https://4frontbaltimore.org/program/diller-teen-fellows/