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From immersive, year-long cohorts to one day adventures, 4Front provides engaging opportunities for Jewish teens and the adults who care about them to connect, grow, and create change together for the future of our community and beyond
Parenting Unpacked Winter 2024-2025
Navigating the Transition: Launching Confident Teens
For parents with t(w)eens in 6th-10th grade
3 Sessions: December 11, January 15, February 12 (join for 1, 2 or all 3)
Owings Mills JCC | 6:30-8:00pm | Dinner Provided | FREE
Join Dr. Tammy Mintz in this 3-part series to explore launching your t(w)een in this complicated and ever-changing world. Together, we will dive into aligning values, the struggle between independence and safety, as well as navigating toxic achievement culture to raise your t(w)een with a sense of “mattering”.
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Join us for our annual muffin baking event! National Muffin Day is a baking extravaganza that brings awareness and funding to issues surrounding homelessness in America and the great organizations tackling it.
We will be partnering with Keeping Balitmore Warm to run a blanket drive.
There’s no shortage of ways to get involved. From local learning opportunities to international travel excursions, there’s opportunities for everyone to dive in, give back, and connect.