4Front’s E3 Network
Program Details:
Welcome Youth Professionals & Partners to 4Front’s E3 Network! Whether you work directly with Jewish teens, supervisor those who work with teens, or are striving towards making teens a priority in your organization- this community is for you.
Explore where we’re thriving, where we need support, and how we can take one step closer towards growth for ourselves & our teens.
Expand our understanding of adolescent development and best practices alongside professionals and peers.
Experience the difference when we actively strive to support each other within the youth professional & partner community.
Through participation in the E3 network, you will:
- Develop a strong and supportive network of professional peers
- Learn best practices from colleagues and experts in your field
- Discuss emerging and important teen trends
- Build your skills, confidence and competence as a Jewish youth professional
- Gain access to local and national learning opportunities
2023-2024 E3 Network Components:
- October Kick-off Event: Build it, Nurture it, They will Come
- Youth Engagement COP (Community of Practice): We will gather four times this year to connect & share best practices.
- E3 Full-Day Retreat with Bamidbar
- Youth Mental Health First Aid Training for professionals
- Resources for you including our WhatsApp group, bi-monthly newsletter, and youth engagement professional directory
- Additional professional development opportunities throughout the year including virtual, expert-led workshops offered exclusively to 4Front through the Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative

E3 Kickoff: Leadership Decoded
Event DetailsE3 Kickoff: Leadership Decoded
E3 Kickoff 2024: Leadership Decoded
Join us for our 2024-2025 kickoff session for E3, our network of Baltimore Jewish Teen Professionals. Gather together as a professional community reconnect and learn together with local expert Mandy Diamond.
Monday, December 9th at 4Front
- 9:00-9:00AM – Bagel Brunch & Reconnecting
- 9:30-11:30 AM – Session: Leadership Decoded
Session Topic-
Leadership Decoded: Shaping Your Unique Approach to Teen Empowerment
That one, frequented, word: leadership. Join Mandy Diamond of Blue Zoom Thinking for a dynamic session in crafting a personal definition of leadership and translating this into a clear educational strategy. Walk away with actionable steps towards guiding your young leaders and tips on being explicit and effective in your leadership approach with teens.
Questions? Contact Diana Solomon at [email protected]