We recently spoke with some of our awesome teen participants to hear about their 4Front experiences. Meredith E., a 10th grader at Boy’s Latin and Peer Leadership Fellow, Justin L., an 11th grader at McDonogh and Diller participant, and Lisa S., a 12th grader at Garrison Forest, a Diller participant and a Gesher Teen Fellow, shared and this is what they had to say.

What is the most rewarding thing about your experience in 4Front/program so far?
Meredith: Learning how to effectively communicate with others. I have learned how to communicate messages to a group to inspire them to be changemakers.
Justin: Meeting so many new people in my Jewish community and making so many new friends that I wouldn’t have made if I weren’t in Diller.
Lisa: Developing my leadership skills through programs like Diller and Gesher. In Diller, I explored my identity and leadership style on a global scale, and in Gesher, I learned how to make real decisions that impact a nonprofit. These experiences have given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be an engaged and responsible leader.
What has been the best/favorite part of your experience so far?

Meredith: All the people that I have met. I now consider my cohort close friends that I am incredibly grateful for.
Justin: The Shabbaton we had in November. It really allowed me to make a deeper connection with my cohort and it was super fun.
Lisa: The strong connections I’ve built with peers and mentors who share my passion for leadership and social impact. Standing on a grassy hill in Córdoba, Spain, during Diller and sharing my vision for leadership was a defining moment. In Gesher, sitting in board meetings and having my voice truly heard showed me the real-world impact of youth leadership.
Why would you recommend it to other teens/families?
Meredith: I would recommend it because it prepares you for the future and gives you tools to use in the present. I would recommend joining 4Front to any teen who is looking to connect with others in the community who are like-minded.

Justin: Not only is it a great experience for bonding with other teens in the Jewish community, it also helped me build a deeper connection with my Judaism.
Lisa: I would highly recommend 4Front because it provides a space to grow as a leader while engaging in meaningful conversations about identity, community, and change. Programs like Diller and Gesher offer hands-on experiences that build confidence and teach valuable skills that extend far beyond high school.
How has this experience positively impacted you?
Meredith: 4Front has brought me closer to so many people. I now feel confident leading a group and collaborating with others to bring about change and make a difference.
Justin: Diller has shown me how to become a better leader in our community, while also being super fun.
Lisa: 4Front has given me the confidence to step into leadership roles and advocate for causes I care about. It has also strengthened my ability to work collaboratively, think critically, and take initiative in both academic and extracurricular settings.
For more information about our teen programs, please visit Teen Programs | 4Front Baltimore